Laboratory and research

  • CO
  • NO
  • NO2
  • HCN
  • H2
  • Ar
  • N2
  • CO2

Applications: Universities, research laboratories, hospitals

In most cases, gas detection is purely about safety and protection. In a factory there is something wrong when the alarm goes, but in the laboratory it only becomes interesting. There gas detection is used, apart from safety, to make research results transparent.

Laboratorium en onderzoek

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At universities in Delft, Eindhoven and Wageningen chemicals, plastics, plants and even nuclear material are placed under the magnifying glass. There is also a lot of testing in other areas: for example the pressure a tank of a hydrogen can handle. In these laboratories it is about testing techniques and materials, or making them sustainable.

See what happens without danger

In a laboratory you want to know exactly what is happening. Working with gases or their release in a chemical process must not endanger the laboratory technician. It is precisely at these locations that it is important to combine the knowledge to jointly configure a gas detection system that is specifically selected for the gases that can be released during these investigations. Our equipment is suitable for detecting a very wide range of gas types. We can tailor an application so that you can always make the right measurements.

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