
Your company is unique. You are proud of the products you make or your working method has a unique story. We understand that no company is the same and that 'standard solutions' often just do not work. That is why we do not just deliver a product: we engage with you in mind to find out how gas detection works best for you.


Personal service

We think it is important that we have a good relationship with our clients. If we know you and your company well, we can advise you better on the measures you can or should take in the field of gas detection.


Because of our experience in many different sectors, we know what we are talking about; you can count on that. Our equipment is ATEX, IECEx and MED certified. We check and maintain the gas detection system annually. We look at the big picture: we do not only check whether all equipment is still working, but also whether there are any changes in the environment that we can anticipate.


Because we look at each job individually, we often find that a standard product can not meet the expectations. We would then make a custom-made application that fits perfectly with the activities of your company.


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